Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm so Hollywood

I took a trip to L.A. this weekend to support some friends in the Indicade competition.

Indiecade is a competition for independent video game makers, ie: people who make artsy video-games on their own budget without corporate backing.

The weather was a perfect 70 degrees the whole time, quite a contrast to the 40 degree weather we've been having here with frost starting to bite our grass and garden.

Hollywood was pretty crazy. Everyone, even the homeless, dress like moviestars. I saw a billboard for medical marijuana and another for a pornographic website.

My friends won the award for "Best Gameplay Innovation" in the contest. That made the trip a success.

The best part though, was the night we decided to go see a double feature of 2 John Hughes films at Graumann's Chinese Theater. Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Weird Science were playing. It was so much fun to watch those old classics on the big screen!

Much to our surprise, after FBDO, the theater manager walked up in front of the screen and introduced 3 actors from the movie. Cameron, the principal, and the secretary (with all the pencils in her hair). They sat and talked about John Hughes, who passed away this year, fun stuff from the set of FBDO, their feelings on the success of the movie, and answered audience questions. What a surprise that was since we just expected to see a classic double feature! That really made the trip feel like "Hollywood."

Check out my collection of pictures from the trip here:


  1. What an Adventure! Nice you could spend time with other creators...(I enjoyed the T-shirt designs). Lots of interesting photos that really gave me a feel for LA.
    Cool rooftop pool and view. YOU look like a Hollywood STAR: one of the rich and famous.
    Great Batmobile photo!
    Nice Hollywood Blvd walk of the stars.
    Dr. Seuss a star, what are the possibilities for the future cartoons...
    The TROPHY was certainly a creative work of art. I really thought it was perfect and especially nice it went to your friends.
    Homeless meal in LA, this one made me laugh out loud. Oh, my son, your sense of humor just keeps entertaining me!
    Yes, YOU do look like a tourist. The Hollywood sign in the background tells the story, and then add the sunglasses…

  2. When I saw your event was in Culver City, it reminded me that your Grandpa Hank Schade grew up there and your Uncle Cris was born there, so I have added a little family history on Culver City: I copied this narrative from Kris Shaw's blog. To get the photos and the full story access her blog and go to her archive called WhatNot.

    Kris's narrative:
    Historical Santa Monica and Culver City
    July 1, 2007
    Last weekend I did a photo shoot with Missy. She is a kettle bell instructor in Santa Monica.
    Dad and Grandpa are both from Santa Monica.
    Here is the house where Grandpa was raised.

    Zillow puts this little 2 bedroom 1 bath at $1.1MM! Its in a great central location. Look at the proximity to the beach and 405.
    The house on Dad’s birth announcement has been demoed and is now a apartment building.

    You can get a feel of the neighborhood though if you look at the bungalows left and across the street.

    Dad’s home was 12 blocks from the beach and beside I-10. Dad says he remembers his backyard was close to a major thoroughfare.
    I think, but I cannot confirm that grandpa went to Venice High School.

    When I get confirmation on my locations, I’ll do some more investigating. (K)

    Love Mom
